
Empowering the veggie community


Coming soon


Despite the growing number of vegans and vegetarians in recent years, they still struggle to find restaurants suitable for dining with non-vegan/vegetarian friends and family. Many platforms lack detailed information on vegan and vegetarian options, and "vegan-friendly" restaurants often offer only a salad. This clearly highlights the need to simplify the process for vegetarians and vegans to find restaurants that cater to their dietary preferences as easily as any other type of food.

With this problem in mind, we designed an app aimed to the veggie community that enables users to find restaurants with real and reliable veggie options, while also allowing them to build a community and share experiences with fellow vegetarians and vegans.


UX Strategy
User Research
Lead Product Design
App Design

The team

4 Product Designers
3 User Researchers


12 weeks

Empowering the veggie community

The Process


🔍 What we learnt from our users

After conducting interviews and surveys with over 20 vegetarians, we identified a significant gap in the sector regarding the search for restaurants with vegetarian options.

We identified four main needs our users were experiencing:

  • Difficulty finding genuine vegetarian options due to insufficient information.
  • The desire to see reviews from other vegetarians and vegans to assess a restaurant's quality.
  • The need to view the menu before choosing a restaurant.
  • A sense of inclusion and the ability to connect with others in the veggie community
Mapping our users' experience

🥦  Empowering vegans and vegetarians to decide

To ensure our app provides real value to our users, we focused on four key functionalities to help them find and book restaurants with genuine veggie options while addressing their current challenges:

  • Location-Based Restaurant Search: Discover restaurants based on the user’s location.
  • Verified Quality Options: Use filters to find only verified, high-quality vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian options.
  • Community Experiences: Access experiences that offer various activities for the veggie community.
  • Sharing Features: Share restaurants and events with both veggie and non-veggie friends
Main app flows
Wireframes and styleguide

🎉 The veggie world, just an app away

After a user testing session with five participants, our concept was validated, and users confirmed the app's utility. We also tested the main user flows and identified issues, particularly with misleading icons and some filters.

Using this feedback, we refined and finalized the design into a simple, attractive, and intuitive app. This app allows vegans and vegetarians to join a community where they can discover real veggie options and attend events tailored for the veggie community in their cities.

User testing moderated session
Home and Categories
Restaurant reservation

✌️ Outcome

Designing Avigo was a great experience that deepened my empathy for vegetarian users who struggle to find suitable food options. It allowed me to explore solutions in detail and ultimately create a product that makes their lives easier. To me, a product is truly successful if it benefits the community and fosters inclusivity.

I thoroughly enjoyed contributing my efforts and collaborating with a team to design this app. I am excited about the prospect of building and introducing it to the entire veggie community in the near future.

Juliana Díaz González - UX Designer
Let's talk!

Book a strategy call with me, and let's discuss your project ideas and needs to turn them into reality!